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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Uganda Standards and Quality Infrastructure

Technical infrastructures to support sustainable development and trade in developing countries and countries in transition are focused in a paper published by the Joint Committee on Co-ordination of Assistance to Developing Countries in Metrology, Accreditation and Standardization (JCDCMAS). JCDCMAS is created by nine international organizations and is calling for a composite approach to development assistance for technical infrastructures. By this it is meant that a holistic consideration of a country's needs is required, and a plan of action be agreed. If this can be achieved by the developing country, then assistance efforts can be coordinated and synergies between the various parts of the tecchnical infrastructure established. Once established these synergies provide the technical infrastructure with its identity and strength, and enable it to contribute the country's sustainable development and trade potential.

This composite approach was applied in a Sida-funded project to assist Uganda's Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (MTTI) in assessing the needs in Uganda, and based on these needs a programme proposal for development of an Uganda Standards and Quality Infrastructure (QUISP). The consultancy team consistency of Dr. Sam G Nahamya (former Permanent Secretary, MTTI), Dr. Eve Kasirye-Alemu (former Executive Direcctor, Uganda National Bureau of Standards) and myself as a Team Leader. Backstopping was aranged by the MTTI in an excellent manner, offering as project office the PS office and the secretariat services from Jacinta Atim. The team reported to the Assistant Trade Commisioner Cyprian Batala, and Deogratias Kamweya from MTTI and to a steering committee consisting of stakeholders from government agencies, private sector and donor organizations.